Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and Psychotherapy

Paula Philippi

Graduate Student
Email: philippi[at]
Tel.: +49 (0)202-439 5509
Room: RG3.03.025

The focus of my research to date has been on the effectiveness (Moshe, Terhorst, Philippi et al., 2021, Psychological Bulletin) and acceptability (Philippi et al., 2021, Internet Interventions) of digital health interventions, as well as improved diagnosis and early detection of affective disorders (Knauer, Terhorst, Philippi, et al., 2022, BMJ open). The goal of my PhD studies is to develop a conceptual and methodological framework to sustainably combine both areas of research. An important factor in the early detection of affective disorders is how individuals cope with (everyday) stressful events. In my PhD studies (more information here), I use real-time assessments of self- and affect-regulatory processes in the everyday life of children and adolescents. This way, I’d like to contribute to a better understanding and (more) precise assessment of contextually sensitive socio-emotional processes that are key to youth mental health (e.g., via modelling microtrajectories of affect-regulation). My goal is to develop developmentally sensitive just-in-time interventions for children and adolescents with affective disorders.

Academic Background

since 04/2023 Graduate Student at the University of Wuppertal, Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and Psychotherapy
10/2022 – 03/2023 Research Assistant at the Ulm University, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
06/2019 – 10/2022 Student Research Assistant at the Ulm University, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
10/2020 – 09/2022 M.Sc. Psychology with focus on Clinical and Health Psychology, Ulm University
10/2017 – 09/2020 B.Sc. Psychology, Ulm University


Wenzel, M., Philippi, P., & Kaurin, A. (accepted). Examining everyday emotion regulation as an ability: Emotion regulation monitoring, but not general strategy implementation ability, is significantly associated with affective well-being in daily life. European Journal of Personality.

Terhorst, Y., Knauer, J., Philippi, P., Baumeister, H. (2024). The Relation Between Passively Collected GPS Mobility Metrics and Depressive Symptoms: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Med Internet Res, 26.

Terhorst, Y., Kaiser, T., Brakemeier, E. L., Moshe, I., Philippi, P., Cuijpers, P., ... & Sander, L. B. (2024). Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects in Internet-and Mobile-Based Interventions for Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JAMA Network Open7(7).

Knauer, J., Terhorst, Y., Philippi, P., Kallinger, S., Eiler, S., Kilian, R., ... & Baumeister, H. (2022). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a web-based routine assessment with integrated recommendations for action for depression and anxiety (RehaCAT+): protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial for patients with elevated depressive symptoms in rehabilitation facilities. BMJ open, 12(6).

Moshe, I., Terhorst, Y., Philippi, P., Domhardt, M., Cuijpers, P., Cristea, I., ... & Sander, L. B. (2021). Digital interventions for the treatment of depression: A meta-analytic review. Psychological bulletin, 147(8).

Philippi, P., Baumeister, H., Apolinário-Hagen, J., Ebert, D. D., Hennemann, S., Kott, L., ... & Terhorst, Y. (2021). Acceptance towards digital health interventions–Model validation and further development of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. Internet interventions, 26.

Terhorst, Y., Philippi, P., Sander, L. B., Schultchen, D., Paganini, S., Bardus, M., ... & Messner, E. M. (2020). Validation of the mobile application rating scale (MARS). Plos one, 15(11).

Last modified: 22.07.2024